Sunday, November 7, 2010

Concept Map

I am with out a doubt dynamic. I absolutely love working on the Internet, using RSS feeds, email, IM, Facebook and Tweet. I like staying in touch with family and friends and reconnecting with those I have not seen in years.


  1. Sara,

    Interesting concept map. I like that there is some replication across the different categories, but I wonder if you feel satisfied with the alignment. I struggled because I thought the relationships were far more integrated and dynamic than I could represent in the graphic.

  2. Yes, it was difficult to create and certainly not enough room to fit everything so you can still read it. In fact, after I created it I thought of more things I wanted to add.

  3. Sara: Very neat and clean concept map. It kind of reminded me of a factory blue print or how technology manufactures knowledge. What were your thoughts when you chose this type of graphic?

  4. I never considered texting or facebook as dynamic technology. Both might be difficult in a distance learning environment. However, I am anxiously awaiting your response to how you might make it possible to use texting. Sara, I would have considered discussion forum to be in the dynamic column.
