How it has changed the way I learn and teach
Connectivism has changed the way that we research information and learn about new things. This is due to the vast amount of information available to us on the Internet and the large amount of venues that make this information available. We are also experiencing the ability to create our own knowledge through the Internet. This blog is the perfect example. I am able to take the knowledge I have gained about Connectivism and share this knowledge with my classmates. This also provides the opportunity for my classmates to respond to my understanding of the Connectivism learning theory and provide their input on the theory and what they like or dislike about my interpretation.
The way that information is accessed has changed the way that I learn about information. It does not change my internal ability to learn or how I learn, it changed the way I am able to access information through a networked structure. This has been exciting for me because I enjoy research and learning about new information. I have been known to spend hours on the computer researching a topic and finding extensive information about that topic. The problem I have encountered is having the time to read all the information that I have found. Therefore, I have turned to locating podcasts or videocasts on the topics. It is unbelievable the amount of information available in these formats. This allows me to listen to the information while driving in the car. The Internet has changed the way we access the information and share information.